Information technologies have significantly changed the labor market in recent decades. These are responsible for creating entirely new occupations, redefining old ones, or replacing them. In doing so, they launched the digital transformation of businesses in almost every industry, from finance to healthcare.

But as the demand for a tech-savvy workforce outstripped the capabilities available, the Tech industry turned to innovation to combat the lack of human resources. As a result, some jobs created through previous changes are becoming redundant and obsolete thanks to recent developments in IoT, automation, machine learning, and AI.

However, not all jobs are threatened and will always be relevant because they depend on the human ability to make those IT innovations possible. To better understand this, here are four technological jobs that will continue to be in demand.

Data scientist

Data scientists rely on different technical skills to analyze and interpret large volumes of complex data to identify trends that can help a company optimize performance and make better decisions. Their mix of business and computer skills makes them indispensable for any company.

And when it comes to the future, the demand for data scientists will grow as they become more relevant in IT, banking and finance, e-commerce, manufacturing, and research and development.

Network administrators

The main task of network administrators is to update, repair and maintain the functionality of any hardware or software to ensure that the entire system network of an organization is operational.

Without someone to monitor your network, an organization risks losing its connection to LAN, WAN, intranets, and the Internet. For most digital companies, this would mean stopping all communications and operations.

Network administrators are now becoming high-value professionals as companies are slowly using the Internet of Things (IoT) to automate their workflows. As more businesses rely on IoT, the network administrator’s role will be more important.

Cloud engineer

Already a coveted job, cloud engineering will continue to be in high demand as more companies move to cloud-based computing.

Cloud engineers are primarily responsible for creating, managing, operating, and maintaining cloud infrastructure. Since these IT professionals manage hardware and software in the cloud system, their future role will no doubt be scaling the cloud architecture to meet growing storage demands, regardless of the company’s cloud services.

Machine Learning Engineer

This specific branch of artificial intelligence is ideal for those passionate about computing who want a career in an exciting and fast-moving industry.

Machine Learning engineers use big data to create complex algorithms to ultimately program a machine (such as a self-contained car or digital voice assistant) to perform and perform tasks as a human being. Economic forecasts, image recognition, and natural language processing are implemented so the machine can learn and improve without human interference.

User experience designer

UX (User Experience) designers care about «behind-the-scenes» design to ensure that software, websites,  or applications meet consumers’ habits, motivations, behaviors, and needs. With more and more companies turning to digital platforms to promote and sell their products or services, ensuring that the journey and user experience are the best possible has never been more important.

Robotics engineer

As technology evolves at an accelerated rate, robotics engineers must constantly analyze, reevaluate, configure, test, and maintain prototypes, robotic components, integrated software, and machines they create for the manufacturing, mining, and automotive services industries, among others. This is highly technical work that requires patience and rational thinking.

In the coming years, we will likely see several new and innovative ways modern technologies help society and businesses, especially in health care.

Analysts of security of the information

Cybercrime is the main threat to businesses in the digital age. A report from 2020, run by Cybersecurity Ventures magazine, warned companies of the dangers of cyber-attacks, as the expected annual cost to businesses will average $10.5 trillion by 2025.

As more businesses move online, information security analysts form the main line of defense and data protection against online criminal activity. Cybersecurity experts are already in high demand, but as attacks on businesses become more sophisticated, the need for more professionals is likely to increase.

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